LazyWeb: Email to MT gateway
I've got a mailbox called "RSS" that gets all of the announcements, product releases, occasional mailings from sweetcode or ditherati, etc. It's fed by about 50 rules.
I'd like to have those rules bounce the incoming messages to a MovableType blog, instead. The Subject: header gets parsed as the post's subject, and the content can go into the post itself. Then I can get this content into NNW where I'd rather have it, instead of in my email.
I think that's it, pretty much. Just a basic email to MT gateway.
The LazyWeb strikes - perhaps will help...
Posted by: Ben Hammersley | January 02, 2003 at 09:44 AM
This one isn't all that hard at all, but it depends on what resources you have available:
Do you have your own Unix machine that receives mail for you? It could be as easy as a perl script that filters mail. Only have a POP3 box? Well, I suppose we could use something to slurp down messages with the appropriate subject line and feed *those* to the filter.
Other situations require other solutions, though I suppose the most universal would be something desktop-based that pulls down POP3 email, maybe with a lil IMAP support.
Posted by: l.m.orchard | January 02, 2003 at 09:58 AM
Ben: Hm, that's a rather useful script :) It's got a very curious limitation, in that it only accept emails containing pictures. Strange.
Deus: Yup, I have my own UNIX machine. I can use .forward/procmail, POP or IMAP client, whatever.
Posted by: floating atoll | January 02, 2003 at 04:42 PM
;-) Yes, that "limitation" is a "feature". ;-) You can obviously remove it from the script. The script is intended to run "moblogs" and I think somewhere along the way, we added that to prevent entries without images since we were creating templates that assumed you at an image... Do you think we should create a simple configuration flag to turn that featrue on/off?
Posted by: Joi Ito | January 02, 2003 at 08:00 PM
Joi: Hm, good point on the templates. I think a config flag would be a useful thing, yes.
Posted by: floating atoll | January 03, 2003 at 01:03 PM